Efficient & affordable services for executors & beneficiaries.

The duties of an executor are offset by the services we provide

The administrative duties of an executor, after receiving the grant of probate, continue much as before, but new and possibly unfamiliar challenges can now lay ahead. The role of an estate representative now often requires specialist knowledge if the asset value is to be optimised, and can also be physically demanding. With this in mind, sourcing or engaging outside expertise and delegating challenging tasks to an experienced third party is advisable.

Culvertons have put together a broad range of estate services to help and support executors carry out their duties. Customers already in receipt of our valuation report, after paying our standard fee, can access further services for free. New customers also looking to benefit are welcome and invited to let us know their requirements via our contact page. Our probate team will assist you with the utmost care and professionalism.

Sharing knowledge & experience

Our general valuer discusses the history and condition of a fine religious wall hanging.

Our experts will happily discuss an antique or artwork with a client. Covering topics such as its history, background, current commercial appeal, condition and whether restoration or conservation would be advisable. Estate representatives can also access help and advice, seven days a week.

One task of an estate representative is to optimise value

One of the important duties of an executor is to attain as much value as possible from the sale of the chattels that are not bequeathed. Our valuers will help you by bringing to your attention the items that should be considered for consignment to auction – the financial benefit of offering the rare, exceptional and fine quality items to a worldwide audience, via a leading auction house, should not be underestimated.

Consignment to auction – cost-effective global exposure

By utilising the following services and our established links with auction houses here in the UK, and overseas, you can rest assured that revenue for the estate will be maximised and your workload will be substantially reduced –

The duties of an executor can be tough, so we helped by first spotting this fine early Mughal painting and then optimising it's value for them

1. Advice is given as to which saleroom would best serve the estate’s interests and secure trade/reduced commission rates on their behalf.

2. Information provided on the terms of sale, charges, and procedure to estate representatives for their approval.

3. Consignment to auction on behalf of the estate, with all receipts and relevant paperwork in an executor’s or administrator’s name.

This fine and early Mughal painting (above left) was spotted by our general valuer in a Surrey residence. He undertook each of the above stages on behalf of its owners, until its successful sale at auction.

Culvertons’ duty of care to an executor and their estate does not end once their items enter the saleroom. Our team will keep track of their progress and update representatives throughout the auction process. Culvertons only ever act as agents and the items always remain the property of the estate prior to sale.

Consigning general antiques and artworks to auction is not always a cost-effective route to take as transportation and saleroom charges may be too high compared with their open market value. That is why we do offer a number of alternative solutions for clients looking to maximise the value of lower-value items.

Introductions to trusted third parties

In certain circumstances and after all other options have been considered, a private treaty sale, may financially or logistically still be the best option. If requested, we will offer executors and administrators any help and support they need to arrange the sale of items to trusted third parties.

One of the aims of an executor should be to minimize costs

Cost-effective solutions as to what to do with old, but good quality, low-value furniture and household effects can be a challenge. On one hand, consigning such items to auction is not financially viable for the estate or the saleroom. On the other, casual disposal in land-fill is cost-prohibitive and definitely contrary to our environmental and ethical working practices.

The answer is to use our established contacts, including overseas clients and their agents, who are actively looking for well-made items, that the UK market deems to be unfashionable.

Charitable donations: not a responsibility but definitely rewarding

By donating books to a university library we helped an executor in his duties to carry out the wishes of the deceased

The donation of a library of books to Brunel University – by offering the executor our logistical expertise, enabled them to carry out their duties and the wishes of the deceased.

For many years we have made donations to Age UK, Rotary, Cancer Research and local hospices, amongst others. Our team, however, will be guided by representatives as to whether the charitable donation is acceptable, and if it is, which charities will benefit. In our experience, a donation can offer a positive logistical, financial and rewarding solution for all parties concerned.

For more information regarding a charitable donation please visit our house clearance services page.

Clearing a property – taking on one of the most taxing duties of an executor

Up until now the duties of an executor have been mainly to do with administration and optimising value. Their next task – having to clear the residual items from the property – can be a daunting one. It is at this point that our team can be of considerable help by carrying out the following on their behalf –

1. Undertaking the donation of any suitable items to charity

2. Recycle, where possible, all appropriate items

3. The clearing of remaining items in an efficient & environmental manner

4. Cleaning of the property, if required

For more information about this service please visit our dedicated house clearance page.

Increase value and enjoyment – repair, restore and conserve

With judgment and expertise, the restoration and conservation of antiques and fine art can increase the value of items within an estate. Beneficiaries may also consider this as a way to enhance the items they have inherited.
A detailed quotation is submitted for approval before undertaking any work.

Logistics : removal & transportation

We will obtain competitive rates for the transportation of items to a saleroom or a beneficiaries address (UK or overseas). Small items to be consigned to auction will be transported free of charge, wherever possible, by a member of our staff.

Our services: clarification

The arrangement of the above services is within our standard fee. However, the execution of these services created to support the executor in their duties will of course attract a charge levied upon the estate after the prior quotation.

Financial protection whilst working on your behalf

Culvertons’ fully comprehensive insurance cover safeguards all items whilst under its physical control or when in transit; it also covers any item when in the hands of our restorers/conservators or at auction awaiting sale.

Do we offer help & support for executors in your area?

Culvertons offer their services to representatives of estates throughout central & southern England: principally in Surrey, Sussex, Kent and Hampshire, including London.

What our clients say...

"Dear Jonathan, re the walking sticks,  that’s very fair of you. Thank you too for the way Tuesday went, Graham and I were most impressed and very pleased with the end result. I have settled the outstanding balance.

Kind regards

Hilary Powell - Bromley