Late 19th Century glazed mahogany bookcase
Price: £
Description: The cabinet maker who constructed this simply designed mahogany glazed bookcase, did so with more care and skill than is normally found in such pieces of this period. This is not surprising as it was to be awarded on St Andrews Day in 1891 as second prize for solo singing at the prestigious St Andrews Choir School in London (original notation fixed to the inside) . Incidentally, St Andrews Church in Wells Street was one of London's finest and most fashionable of churches, renowned for its music and cathedral style daily sung services. Now sensitively restored, the colour and surface of the bookcase is particularly appealing. The shelves are fully adjustable (20cm deep) and the two doors are secured by original brass inset bolts and a good quality lock (all serviced and working). Measurements - 116 cm high x 96 cm wide x 30.5 cm deep
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