Jonathan - Antique Furniture & General Valuations

Jonathan - Experience


Jonathan Roberts oversees the day-to-day running of Culvertons and is the fine furniture specialist and general valuer. Jonathan has over 30 years of experience within the antique and fine art trade.

Prior to 1989, Jonathan was sales manager for a firm supplying the antique trade with restoration materials. During this period, with help and kindness from some of his customers, he was able to build upon his knowledge of antiques and works of art. Fulfilling a childhood passion, he embarked upon a new career as an antique dealer.

By 1994 Jonathan had completed an apprenticeship as a ‘runner’ in the antique and fine art trade. Over the next fifteen years, he ran several antique shops, displayed his stock of fine antique furniture in the Malthouse, Dorking, and regularly held selling exhibitions of oil paintings and works on paper throughout the South East of England.

In 2009 Jonathan accepted an invitation to become a director of Culvertons – a then recently-formed probate valuation company. Taking sole ownership in 2012, he increased the services on offer by engaging specialist dealers, restorers, and conservators chosen for the quality of their work and their ethical and professional manner.

Since that time he has assisted executors, administrators, companies, institutions, and individuals by carrying out valuations for probate and insurance purposes; overseeing restoration projects, and the sale of items by private treaty.

Culvertons is currently able to value, conserve and restore a wide spectrum of antiques and works of art for solicitors, executors, businesses, and private individuals.

For confidential expert advice or a valuation call – 01306 770 212

General Valuation Service

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What our clients say...

"Dear Jonathan, Max and I are absolutely speechless. What an amazingly wonderful job you've done on our panelling. It is superb, absolutely superb. We're more than delighted. It was slightly sad coming home to find all your tools and equipment gone. We've enjoyed having you in the house and will miss you. I'll email you again soon to arrange a time for you (and your daughter) to come for tea to see how the house looks when it's all back in order. Thank you so very much for your hard work, perfectionism and friendliness."

Shannan & Max